понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

crap totally

This weekapos;s Band Competition, we got first with an 82.15
We went up FOUR points :)

And I went to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday with mah boyyyy, who was also at the band comp on saturday, and came to the football game on friday (which, of course, I only went to because of band) and man. Iapos;m falling so bad for this boy.

I canapos;t wait for the rest of this year to go by.
I can;t wait to be able to say "Iapos;ve been dating him for 7 months now...."� And not specifically seven months, just siometime longer than a week and 4 days.� Because it feels like itapos;s bveen so much longer than that.� It really does.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh Mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn.
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Because really to be happy, its not in anyone else, or anything. Everything fades. The mountains will crack, and crumble. So will all of my freindships and relationships, and love. So its jsut that you ahve to accept what you have now, and never expect anything more. Cus its really not that certain. I want for right now. I will worry aobut tomorrow, tomorrow. This fleetwood mac tape just is so good.

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First of all, I LOVE the intro because my mind went spinning with ideas. Just like a true writer. Haha.
Ben and I: Well we spent the whole entire weekend just with his family and my family. And we went on a dinner date. It was cute. No big deal though because we werenapos;t boyfriend and girlfriend. Then yesterday we were at the Wal*Mart and he kissed my forehead saying he loved me. Then he asked do you want to tell our parents about us tonight or on Halloween (his favorite holiday). I told him to wait and he said okay. So we are gonna celebrate our anniversary on the 19th since that is when we started to actually date. And we will also celebrate in on the 31st since we are telling our parents...
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Made some hot cocoa since iapos;m ready to sleep already but agreed to help my brother with some of his alloted files for the day.

things arenapos;t as bad around here as i can make them sound. I simply vent a lot on my LJ. Isnapos;t that what journals are for? hehe

iapos;ve felt less sickly today--not robust or healthy but not like i was going to drop over dead either.

see, i only have energy for one line sentences. Heh

iapos;ve been doing about 10 hours a day of work but only give myself credit for 8 of those because i know some people are better at remembering codes and i donapos;t want to take advantage of my father. Heapos;s a pretty decent guy when he isnapos;t grouching about the sinners of the world.

iapos;m just a bit worried that weapos;re moving through this job too quickly and it will end in half the time that we had first expected. In which case i would be forced to go out and find another job and couldnapos;t take a nice long vacation before winter quarter. Bah.

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Ahahahaa, I hadnapos;t meant to go to that class, but itapos;s made me realize that I probably should start participating. There isnapos;t much that can annihilate bordom like hunting down classmates like frightened game animals.

Mm, but it also reminded me of the fact that I have little reason to be here. So Iapos;ll be taking advantage of the Fall break and going off on a little excursion in Dimension 56-12. Iapos;ve an accomplice to pester about some unfinished business. Fruity bastard.

I shouldnapos;t be gone for more than a few days, unless I get incarcerated. Oh, wouldnapos;t that be a miserable experience? HAH.

~ Ciao

((Yeah, I didnapos;t know what else to do in the island RP thing, so... I dunno, assume he kicked ass or got bored and lurked around or something.))

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REALLY bothers me.
And itapos;s always like this,
Weapos;re no better than the rest.
Itapos;ll never change from what it is,
apos;Cause thinking individually is unheard of.
Next phase,
New craze,
Top notch,
Ripped crotch,
Over dress,

Itapos;s all the same.
Although it doesnapos;t have to be,
It is.
Change is only temporary,
It always returns to how it used to be.
I need a new life,
Well mine could use a few adjustments right about now.
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So far, Irsquo;ve most enjoyed getting to know my professor and topic. Itrsquo;s been interesting to learn about a topic that I had never studied before in depth. Irsquo;m happiest with the project when I am able to find useful and specific information in a book. Since many of the books Irsquo;ve been reading barely touch on Dominican lit, itrsquo;s a big deal when they do deal with it. Since the work Irsquo;m doing is pretty straightforward and sometimes monotonous, itrsquo;s nice to glean meaning from the books.

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